Mini-Metricon 1.5
February 5, 2007
The redoubtable Fred Cohen organized Mini-Metricon, which was held Monday February 5th at the University of San Francisco. Sponsors were the University of San Francisco and the University of New Haven.
The full agenda is on Fred’s website.
Liveblog by Andrew Jaquith
We are here conversing about metrics. Attendees (about 26) include Fred, Betsy Nichols, Russell Thomas, Jason Zann, Mark Kadrich, Andy Sudbury, Phebe Waterfield, Jeremy Epstein, Brian Darby, Kedar Dhuru, Eddie Schwartz, Raffael Marty. Keynote speaker is John Guinasso, CISO of Business Objects. Agenda:
0900: As attendees arrive, round table discussions start on the needs for and applications of metrics.
1000: Each round table will present a briefing on the discussions held.
1015: Welcome and introduction to the conference by our hosts.
1030: Keynote: John Guinasso, CISO: “What I get today and what I wish I had for security metrics”
1045: Russell Cameron Thomas - “Total Cost of (In)security.” - 30-minute talk (+ discussions).
1130: Technology demonstrations (not products - technologies).
1145: Lunch break – proceed to the campus eateries for lunch.
1245: Round table discussions start on criteria for the acceptance and utility of metrics.
1345: Each round table will present a briefing on the discussions held.
1400: Fred Cohen - “A Fault Model … for Metrics” 30-minute (+ discussions).
1445: Afternoon break
1500: Mini-talks and impromptu group discussions by participants AND planning for Metricon ‘07
1600: Summary of the day