February 5, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Open reception/light refreshments Welcome! Metricon 8 recap & “Breaking the mold of security metrics” (Pete Lindstrom / Bob Rudis) Expecting the Unexpected: Using Public Vulnerability Data for Resource Planning (Kymberlee Price, BlackBerry Incident Response Team Incident Manager) Lunch & Unveiling Patterns within “Security Metrics” Methods for Large-scale Measurement of the Security of Internet Ecosystems (Christophe Huygens, Professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Measuring Third-party Security Risk (Stephen Boyer, BitSight) Seeing the Elephant – Using collected data points to design and roll out software initiatives (Geoffrey Hill, Artis-Secure) Behind The Curtains of the SilverSky Report (Andrew Jaquith, CTO, SilverSky) Behind The Curtains of the Verizon DBIR (Jay Jacobs, Verizon) Security, Visualized (Katherine Brocklehurst, Tripwire) Lightning Talks
November 25, 2013
Call for Papers for Metricon 9
Metricon is the annual conference dedicated to security metrics. We are excited to announce Metricon 9 — an all-day metrics workshop. We invite practitioners to present practical and novel approaches for measuring information security effectiveness.
When: Friday, February 28, 2014 (the Friday of RSA); All day event
Where: Near or at RSA; specific location TBD
Theme: Behind the Curtains: From Data to Insight
Attending # Metricon is free to attend, but conditional upon review of the program committee.
August 20, 2013
I am pleased to announce that securitymetrics.org has moved to a new virtual hosting system. The primary benefit is that we have a new mailing list server that uses Mailman, rather than Majordomo. Other changes include:
Members will receive copies of their own posts (!). The #1 question I used to get was, “was my post actually sent to the list?” That is because Majordomo didn’t send a copy to the sender.
August 15, 2013
Changes are coming to securitymetrics.org. We are moving to a new hosting environment and mailing list system. More details soon.